Steve Bolton's Book Launch 01.11.19

They say everyone has a book in them…

Well, Platinum Property Partners founder Steve Bolton has now written FOUR.

His latest published work, ‘Profitable Property Secrets’, has been three years and more than a thousand hours in the making.

In ‘Profitable Property Secrets’, Steve outlines the systems, processes and strategies he used to build his successful property portfolio.

The same systems, processes and strategies used by 370 Platinum franchise partners over the past 12 years.

Steve also outlines some of the key mistakes he still sees property investors making in 2019 and how these can be avoided.

‘Profitable Property Secrets’ also takes aim at the doom-mongers who claim property is no longer an attractive or profitable investment in 2019.

Steve Bolton's book launches on Wednesday, November 6 on Amazon – and it will be available for 99p on Kindle here for just 48 hours.

Or if you prefer the feel of traditional print, it’s on sale in paperback form here for £16.99.