Find out how HMO’s generate 15% ROI in comparison to 6% with a standard buy-to-let

In our webinar, you will learn:

What are HMOs?

Our Franchise Partners build portfolios of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) – shared living properties – converting and renovating properties and renting out the rooms to tenants up and down the country.

Is there a demand for HMOs?

Yes there is. Shared living is becoming increasingly popular, particularly among professionals who find it a cost-effective and social way to live compared with renting a flat or house alone

Why should I invest in HMOs rather than buy-to-lets?

The returns on HMO investment are far greater than those of traditional buy-to-let properties. Our Franchise Partners enjoy amazing returns on their investment capital, as well as natural capital growth

Did you realise that you could combine the certainty of franchising with the security of property?

When you join Platinum, you create your own highly-profitable portfolio of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) using our systems, processes, support and expertise. Unlike most franchises, you own your assets, meaning the properties you buy are all yours well into the future. So, not only do you enjoy the rental income they generate, you also benefit from any capital growth over the long term.
Register for Free HMO Investment Webinar

Without a shadow of a doubt, joining Platinum was the best decision we could have made when picking the right franchise for us. They have been crucial, not only to our success, but to us going into property at all.

Robin & Maxine

Register for virtual Discovery Day

Investment Potential


Gross profits from annual rental income, on average, after costs


On Average, return on investment for Franchise Partners

£50,000 - £150,000

Lifelong annual income acheived by most of our Partners on their properties

The best way to find out more about how Platinum’s property investment franchise works is to register for one of our Discovery webinars. You’ll be able to find out more about HMO investment with us and we’ll show you some real case studies from our existing Franchise Partners

Register for Free HMO Investment Webinar

Why now is a great time to invest in property

Yes, there is an ongoing global pandemic – but if you look at the property market, there’s never been a better time to invest! Property prices have dipped and the stamp duty cuts paired with the Governments green energy grant mean your costs to get up and running are drastically reduced.

Join Platinum Property Partners

Franchise partner stories

Our Franchise Partners come from all walks of life. Some have a lot of property experience and others have very little, or none. But all of them are now enjoying the income and freedom that come from partnering with Platinum.