Platinum Property Partners is delighted to announce that two of its Partners have been nominated for categories in this year’s Landlord & Letting Awards.
Gertie Owen is a finalist in the Professional Landlord of the Year category and Katherine Newman has been nominated forHMO Landlord of Year – won last year by Gertie herself.
Gertie Owen
If successful, this will be the second year in a row since first entering that Gertie has won an award, although this time in a different category.
For Katherine, this is the first ever time entering for such awards and so she is delighted to have been shortlisted: “I wasn’t really sure if I’d be the kind of person they were looking for but I’m thrilled to have got this far and remain hopeful.”
Both Katherine and Gertie joined PPP in 2010 and will be judged on the quality of their properties, whether they are well maintained and to a high standard and how efficient they are in dealing with their tenants – from customer service and communication to creating an enjoyable and positive experience.
Katherine Newman
Since being launched in 2009, the Landlord & Letting Awards have recognised and rewarded excellence in the private rented sector.
The winners will be announced at an official awards ceremony in November. Please join us in wishing our Partners good luck!