If you missed my essential book list a couple of weeks ago, then here is my list of inspirational movies.

Combining entertainment with learning, these films can be perfect gifts for those who aren’t fans of reading, or great watches to fill the lull between Christmas and New Year while you finish off the Quality Street.

1. The Pursuit of Happyness.

I watch this whenever I think I have it tough and it stops me feeling sorry for myself. Watching Will Smith on You Tube talking about the principles of his success is an excellent follow up.

2. Pay it forward.

A great movie that reminds us how powerful regular and random acts of kindness can be. One of my personal mantras is a twist on a famous saying: ‘Think not of what your community can do for you, but what you can do for your community’.

3. Dead Poets Society.

Robin Williams was a genius and this movie inspires us to be and think differently and independently and not follow the herd.

4. Erin Brockovich.

Another inspirational movie based on a true story of someone on the breadline, with immense drive and determination, wanting to right a massive wrong and succeeding.

5. Phenomenon.

Starring John Travolta. I’ve watched this movie scores of times. It is probably my joint favourite with ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’. There is so much depth to it. I transcribed my favourite lines from this movie and keep them in a frame in my office:

George Malley (John Travolta): "I think I'm what everybody can be. Anybody can get here. I'm the possibility. What I'm talking about is the human spirit. That's the challenge. That’s the voyage. That's the expedition."

Share with us your favourite and most inspirational movies and why you would recommend them below.

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